Wednesday, July 29, 2009



Yet another traffic problem in Gare du Nord, It takes 1 and half hours to come to Chatlet. “What’s wrong with these French, why the hell these idiots can not fix this problem”, I am cursing.

I am pissed and stressed walking fast to line 14 from RER B, walks straight in to a 10 musician orchestra….. Amazing music, forget about going home. I stop and listen for 10 mins. Cools down my temper, calms me down. “Oh , I love how Paris is filled with great musicians all over the place”I say to my self.

Lunch time, I am hungry. I go to the cafeteria with my friends. There is a new main dish which looks great. I take it. Hmmm, Why am I not surprised, it turns out to be yet another “Looks awesome, taste shit” meal. “How did these French learn to cook with absolutely no taste?” I start cursing again.

I finish the main meal with a great deal of effort and turns to the dessert. A strawberry pudding, cream chocolate on the top ,vanila ice cram on the bottom, fresh strawberries in the middle. “Mmmmm, yummy…. These French do really know how to work around with sweet stuff ”

Hell of a morning at work, “Getting stressed like hell for nothing seems to be a hobby of these French”. Things calm down in the afternoon and my boss invites the whole team to a barbeque party at his place for next days lunch.

We leave the office next day at 12 NOON, our managers house is in middle of no where, countryside not far away from the city. We are sitting in his garden enjoying the food, listening to music and making jokes when the rest of the world is working. Lunch takes 4 hours and we go back home, NO more work for that day. “I love this French working culture, I will miss it”.

Yet another awful looking metropolitan maniac bumps into me in the metro and starts shouting at me out of the blue. “Je ne parley pas francais you bastard, shut up ”. I say to myself with boiling blood in every single vein in my body. “This city is so messed up”

I look away, my eyes finds yet another “French cutie” giving me a smile of sympathy. My blood cells starts dancing, I can feel that I am smiling back, “Oh, I want to replace all these maniacs with French cuties”.

Late to wake up, running to the train yet again. Right in front of the station… BOOOM! I step on a land mine, DOG POOP. “Merde, Why cant these idiots do fashion without dogs? They have the dumbest taste when it comes to fashion.”

Later on the same day, I find my self walking in Champ Elysee, Struck with the elegance of the place. French fashion is unique, impossible to imitate, “Its admirable how the fashion can distinguish real Parisians with outsiders”

A very tiring week as usual, “Ohhhh, im tired of this Parisian life, I want to go on vacation, damn it”.

Saturday we go to Jardin du Luxembourg sits on the grass having “baguette avec fromage”, a lot of fruits and drinks, a typical Parisian picnic, a perfect way to have a relaxing weekend. “I love how French people enjoy their lives”

July 14th, the national day of France, I am going Champ du Mars for Johnny Holidays concert and fireworks while having yet another picnic. The concert begins…. “Johnny Holiday, Only “French” will understand why they like him and his music, waste of time”

Next comes fireworks, mixed with classical music. I am wordless; I am just starring at the Eiffel tower with utter amazement. For 45 mins I am filled with a wonderful feeling I can not explain. Easily one of the most beautiful events in the world. “French people do have a very rich taste,
This single event itself is worthy of going through all the pain in Parisian life 10 times over "

“Paris, Je t’aime”

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Falling in Love

Six months into my internship, finally I am starting to fall in love with Paris.
Last few months it was the wet and muddy winter which made me wonder why people like Paris so much :)
Since the beginning of spring, we have Sun frequently and Paris is much warmer and beautiful now. The conditions are perfects for picnics and walks.

With people coming to streets and cafes pouring with people sitting outside and enjoying, all of a sudden Paris looks like a totally different city. It is full of life and spirit. The more you walk in streets, the more you will like.

There are also quite a few really beautiful parks randomly scattered around in Paris. These parks are now filled with flowers and smell of life :).

With these changes and some more changes I am going to tell you later, I think my second half of the stay in Paris will be more interesting and happening. At least I hope it would be.

Last week, Jiri (A truly a great guy from Czech Republic) finished his internship and returned to his country marking and end to an Era – “The Jiri Era”. All of us who used to hangout with this crazy guy will definitely miss him very badly.

Even though the people we got closed to start leaving, last few weeks some more very cool interns came and joined our gang. A set of completely different individuals from each other (as always :)), looking forward to have a blast of a time in Paris.

With the change in the nature and with new friends joining us, I feel my internship experience going to have a new beginning with more and more interesting things to expect in the future.

Last but not least, this is the New Year Season back in Sri Lanka. If you ever want to go there, this will be a great period to experience an extremely rich 2500 year old culture.

Wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Power of "A Thousand Splendid Suns"

I have read many emotional sad novels but I never felt anything close to what I felt when reading “A Thousand Splendid Suns”. To give you an idea, few times I had to stop reading the book take a breath focus on something else and then go back to reading.

The book is so powerful such that I could not bare the never ending suffering of the two main characters of the book “Mariam” and “Laila”.

Khaled Hosseini, the author is trying to give us an idea, what it is like to be born in Afganisthan (when Islamic extremists rule the country) as a woman and also get caught in a war.

His perfectly matched words, his ability to put human feelings into words kept my heart crying right throughout the book. Characters started living inside me and I was expecting something to smile about each time when I turned to the next page.

It made me think, if it was this difficult for me to read their life experience, how hard it might be for those who actually go through it.

This book made me ashamed of what I had and have in my life when many other “Mariam”s and “Laila”s are there somewhere on earth.

Another powerful aspect of the book is it gives us a tremendous idea about how much pain a woman can bare. How much my mother would have tolerated all these years and how much my girl friend is tolerating since I’m thousands of miles away from her.

Almost everyday here in Paris, I see Muslim women in streets and I think, she could be another “Mariam” or another “Laila”. The world we are living is so unfair and each of us has the responsibility to make it a better place.

“A Thousand Splendid Suns”, I would recommend for everyone as a must read, to open your eyes and see the dark side of this world.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My First Euro Trip :)

It all began on Friday evening around 7pm when me and 4 other friends of mine left to Brussels in a car. Our plan was to spend Friday night in Brussels and go to Maastricht on Saturday and travel around Brussels on Sunday. It was only on the way to Brussels I got to know that we will be going to an AIESEC conference Party on Friday night.


After spending about 1 hour just to get out of Paris, it took 2.5 more hours to reach Brussels. Thanks to our good friends in Brussels we managed to arrange 3 AIESEC intern flats to accommodate us for Friday and Saturday nights.


After putting our stuff in these 3 places we directly went to the party. This party was again a reminder for me “how small AIESEC world is”. In this night alone, I met 4 people I met in Egypt 2 years ago including my CC mate Carissa.


Though it was not a great party we stayed there till almost 4 am. Then we went to the city center and had a kebab at 5 am (:D) before heading back to our places.


Though it was a tough night, we managed to wake up around 11 get ready and reach Maastricht around 2.

First thing that caught my eye in this great city was its calmness and the river which bisects the city. On one side of the city, you can find the historical pat with a Small Castle and a church and many many small statues all over the place. The main square in the City center is a perfect place just to sit and relax which influenced us to get into a restaurant and have our lunch.

Luckily the restaurant we selected happened to a very good one with no other customers :). The sea food sandwich I had there was one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had. I will remember that sandwich when ever I hear about Maastricht.  


After this great lunch we continued our walk around this amazing city. All the streets were so calm and relaxing even though they were filled with all different types of elegant shops.  All of us really felt like we were in middle of a long holiday and did not want to return to Paris.

The Maastricht adventure continued till the dinner pumping us with new energy to our stressful and fast lives in Paris. All famous cities in this world have become crowded and stressful with full of tourists. This city was a reminder for me, there are many more great cities around the globe that can inspire us more than so called “Great” famous cities.  


Since we were all tired from traveling and partying, we went to bed around 1 am on Sunday.

On Sunday we went around Brussels. To be honest, there is nothing much to see there. Only thing that caught my attention was the Atomium. ( After going around the city for 2 hours we were heading to Brugge, a city located about 1 hour away from Brussels. Brugge was another beautiful city but filled with tourists. One restaurant we went, had menus in 10 different languages giving us an idea how many tourists visit this place.


Brugge is a much more beautiful city compared to Brussels.  Its a simple small city with attractive quite streets.


This city was the final destination of our “AWESOME” weekend adventure. I should thank Jiri for arranging everything in the trip and especially David for driving us all the way. I’m Looking forward for the next road trip yet to be decided, where to ?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Understanding “The French”

3 months into my internship, undoubtedly the biggest challenge so far was, understanding French people and French culture.

French did manage to completely shake the mindset I had about all Europeans in general.

All throughout pass 3 months I faced a number of situations and sow many things that I could not understand or explain. The bad thing was, there was nobody for me to explain since almost all my friends are also foreigners who are in the same situations as me.

But the solution came at the beginning of the New Year in an unexpected way. I went to the virgin store thinking of buying a book to read since I was really bore during my Christmas and New Year vacation. I went to “Best Sellers” section and found this book called “Almost French”. Though I knew the book by name, I did not have any idea about the content of the book. I quickly went through some pages and it did not take much time to realize that this book will give me answers to a lot of questions.

Since then (of course I bought the book ) my way of looking at what I see in day to day life has changed dramatically. The book is about an Australian girl who is starting a new life in Paris and slowly overcoming the challenges faced in this new country and culture. This is a real story where the author is the girl her self – Sarah Turnbull.

Therefore I can easily find many similarities between her initial experiences and the experience I am going through now. The book tries to give explanations to French behavior and traditions.

I am almost at the end of the book and it has helped me immensely to see this beautiful city in a completely different perspective and in a more culturally sensitive manner.

If not for this book, I would have tired to understand “The French” all through out the internship without much success.

Hats off to you Sarah Turnbull. A must read for everyone who will start a new life in Paris