Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Falling in Love

Six months into my internship, finally I am starting to fall in love with Paris.
Last few months it was the wet and muddy winter which made me wonder why people like Paris so much :)
Since the beginning of spring, we have Sun frequently and Paris is much warmer and beautiful now. The conditions are perfects for picnics and walks.

With people coming to streets and cafes pouring with people sitting outside and enjoying, all of a sudden Paris looks like a totally different city. It is full of life and spirit. The more you walk in streets, the more you will like.

There are also quite a few really beautiful parks randomly scattered around in Paris. These parks are now filled with flowers and smell of life :).

With these changes and some more changes I am going to tell you later, I think my second half of the stay in Paris will be more interesting and happening. At least I hope it would be.

Last week, Jiri (A truly a great guy from Czech Republic) finished his internship and returned to his country marking and end to an Era – “The Jiri Era”. All of us who used to hangout with this crazy guy will definitely miss him very badly.

Even though the people we got closed to start leaving, last few weeks some more very cool interns came and joined our gang. A set of completely different individuals from each other (as always :)), looking forward to have a blast of a time in Paris.

With the change in the nature and with new friends joining us, I feel my internship experience going to have a new beginning with more and more interesting things to expect in the future.

Last but not least, this is the New Year Season back in Sri Lanka. If you ever want to go there, this will be a great period to experience an extremely rich 2500 year old culture.

Wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!