Monday, November 24, 2008

Paris So Far...

Well, Time for me to write some words abut the past 7 weeks in Paris.

The best part so far has been the Intern community in Paris. There are altogether about 35 or more interns in Pairs. It is of course a wonderful experience to meet so many ppl from different backgrounds.
Every Tuesday there is a "Tuesdays Drink" for all of us to meet and chat. Apart from that, during the weekends small groups of interns have their own agendas and i was part of one or more of them each weekend. This weekend i went to Munmathra for a walk and visited Sacre Couer church with Anca and Jeremy (2 interns from Romania and US). After that we went to one of the interns flats for the dinner and watched some movies.

The most difficult this so far has been searching for accommodation. First week i stayed in another interns place (Jiri). It was so nice of him to offer his place for us, otherwise we would have ended up in most probably a hostel.
Then one of the Sri Lankan friends have here found a place for me and Israel (My Mexican room mate from the very beginning). The place is owned by a Sri Lankan who is living here for more than 18 years.
Since then we are living here although we keep looking for a place for our selves. One other main challenge i ma having is learning french. Even though i do not need much french for work, in day to day life, its almost compulsory. I am planing to start classes in february and till then, have to learn the basics somehow.

I also visited some place so far. The best for me so far in Fountain Blue castle situated in Melune ,outside Paris.

Last but not least, about my work...
My office is situated in the suburbs of Paris. Its a beautiful place surrounded by corn fields and small houses placed here and there. The worst thing is i have to travel about 2 and half hours back and forth for work. My work is going well. I get the chance to see all new technologies in the communication industry well before they enter the market. There are another 2 interns working with me, one form Algeria and one from China. (The are not from AIESEC). All the french ppl in the team are really nice and helpful.
I am really surprised by the responsibilities given for the interns here in Alcatel. They do not worry to give us big things to do even though we are interns.

Its getting colder day by day. I experienced snow for the first time in my life yesterday even though it was not that much.
As days pass by, my life is getting more and more interesting. I keep meeting great ppl and some of them have become close friends already.

This is just a summary of last 7 weeks. I will do more frequent postings in the future,

1 comment:

Aquatic said...

I read d whole thing...itz interesting & touching.U can become a writer oneday cz u hav dis literature touch in ur writing:):)I'm really proud of u.All the best to win ur life!!!!!